Produce Brand Videos That Will Attract New Customers To Your Business

Brand videos provide potential customers with tangible proof that your business can solve their problems. The secret to crafting compelling brand videos is through authentic storytelling and strategic production.

Here’s how our video production agency can help you produce branded videos that will actually convert new customers.

Example of a branded video with "The Thinsulator" by Snute

5 Steps a Brand Video Agency Takes to Produce Videos

1. Planning Out Your Brand Identity Video

Before we turn on the camera, we consider the story you’re aiming to tell with your video. Let’s not be boring! No one wants to watch a talking head just be interviewed with a rote set of questions.

People purchase products and services based on emotional appeal, so we figure out how to best capture the emotions of your target audience before, during, and after they start engaging with your brand. This stage sets the foundation for producing a successful branded video.

Here's how we ensure pre-production is thorough and effective:

Setting Clear Objectives: We work with you to define what you want to achieve with the brand video. Are you aiming to highlight specific product benefits, brand values, or the overall experience?

Use an Outline: While brand videos should feel natural and unscripted, having an outline ensures that key points are covered.

"Pre-production is where the magic begins. It's about understanding the essence of the story we want to tell and planning every detail to ensure we capture it efficiently and passionately." - Jake Huber, Creative Director of SplyceHouse

2. Creating a Comfortable Environment

Because everyone can feel a little camera shy, it’s important to make sure the filming location is a comfortable environment in order to capture genuine and heartfelt moments.

Here are some ways we help you achieve this:

Location: Choose a setting that is relevant to the story. If the setting is a business, we will shoot at their location to add authenticity.

Comfort: Make your interviewee feel at ease. Our team helps create a relaxed environment to capture natural and heartfelt moments.

3. Utilizing Efficient Shooting Techniques

Efficient shooting techniques are essential for producing brand videos that match the identity of your brand. Simple shifts like embracing natural or ambient lighting can alter the tone of the video.

Here’s how we ensure your brand video shoot is both effective and efficient:

Lighting and Sound: Good lighting and clear sound are crucial. Embrace any natural lighting or ambient lighting and use our experience to work with it for the most natural and pleasing look.

Multiple Takes: We use the term "always be filming" because moments of power come when emotion is at its highest, and we like to let those moments breathe.

B-Roll Footage: Capture supplementary footage that supports the brand story. This can include shots of the product, the business environment, or the team in action.

"Our approach to shooting is all about efficiency and precision. We focus on capturing the best moments without wasting time, ensuring a smooth and effective production process." - Jake Huber, Creative Director of SplyceHouse

4. Editing Your Brand Video

Post-production is where the magic happens. We’ll weave together a concise narrative for your viewers so that they can see themselves in your brand. Often the most challenging part about a brand video is keeping it short and sweet (under 2 minutes!), so we’ll help you narrow down the clips that make the most impact.

Here’s how to make the most of the post-production stage:

Select the Best Clips: We choose the most compelling parts of the interview by looking for genuine expressions, emotional moments, and realizations of clarity.

Narrative Flow: With almost any edit, we start with a "content cut" to get the meat of the interview down on track one. That helps determine the pacing and messaging. Once the content cut is in place, that's when we sprinkle in the B-roll to give the video life.

Efficiency in Editing: We stay up-to-date on the latest AI software and constantly find ways to improve efficiency within the editing process.

Another one of our branded videos with Purina

5. Adding a Call to Action

While storytelling is great, remember the original intention of your brand video: to convert new customers. That’s why we end the video with a clear call to action.

This may be a website link, a phone number, or an invitation to contact the business for more information. A strong call to action directs the viewer on what to do next, helping convert viewers into customers.

Craft Brand Videos For Your Business with the Help of SplyceHouse

By following these steps and utilizing our decades of experience behind the camera, we help your brand create videos that not only capture the essence of your business but also resonate with your audience.

Ready to take your brand to the next level with video? Contact us today to get started.